Wednesday 9 November 2011

Look what I found

We've just come back from a dream holiday to New England, where I took a few hundred photos of inspirational historic wooden houses.  I spotted this one, in Massachusetts I think.  Does it look familiar to anyone?  A little bit, perhaps, like a sibling to the Lydia Pickett?  Particularly that gingerbread and the pointed windows.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! How amazing to have found it, and great that you were able to take photos. You must frame some and display them near your house vbg. I tend to think of these houses as being imagination, it's good to see that they really exist. I am hoping to start my Pickett Hill in the new year, and still look at your posts, inspired by the way you have set your Fairfield out.
    Sandie (Snippets from my Studio)


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